8:15—10:00 Arrival, Set up, and Settling in... Free Choice Activities and Morning Stories
Children assist in setting up to help make meaning of their day, choosing colors for paint easels, setting up sensory/water table, making table activity choices , helping teachers dry off the swings...etc. At 9:00-9:30, snack table opens for snack. Mini clean up happens before transition to morning meeting.
Pre-K Kiddos journaling during Pre-K Small Group
10:00-10:30 Morning Meeting and Small Group Study
We meet, discuss and plan our day together. We share letter of the week, choose jobs and share storybook friend journals with younger friends, while Pre-K friends share scientist of the week and star child activities. Friends get a chance to find out what teachers have planned and make special requests for activities. We collectively discuss a topic, choose a story or sing songs as well. As needed and appropriate, children gather to discuss, research, or journal about emergent topics or we extend morning exploration with literature, drama, or games. Every child chooses a starting point for their work before leaving morning meeting.
10:30-11:30 Inside and Outside Exploration
Children choose from a variety of invitations and large group activities. All learning areas are open. Snack is a choice activity during this time. Mini-clean up happens before transition to circle time.
11:45 Morning Circle Time
Stories, songs and discussions that reflect the days play and current or seasonal interests... art activities or work we have done is sometimes shared. All friends exit circle to wash hands for lunch.
12:00-12:45 Lunch and after lunch active play
We gather together with our lunches and eat our meals all together. Free play, toileting help, and readying for nap follows our meal together.
1:00-3:00 Rest, Nap and Quiet Activity Time
Silent reading, rest, and cuddles to help us pace our day! Quiet activity time is offered to those who don’t sleep after an initial resting period.
3:00-4:15 Afternoon Snack, Afternoon Activities, Inside/Outside Exploration
Family style snack is available as an optional activity. This is a great time for buddy activities and free play. New invitations available on tables...Peer groups reform and all activity areas are open.
4:15—5:00 Clean up, Small Group Games and Stories, Afternoon Circle Time, and Goodbyes